








研究方向 低维光电材料;太阳能电池;光电探测器


2007.09‐2011.06, 武汉科技大学, 材料成型及控制工程, 学士

2011.09‐2013.06, 华中科技大学, 软件工程, 硕士

2013.09‐2018.06, 华中科技大学, 光学工程, 博士

2018.09‐2021.07, 华中科技大学, 博士后

2021.09‐2024.02, 122cc太阳集成游戏, 讲师

2024.02‐至今, 122cc太阳集成游戏, 特设副教授


1)S. Liu, M.-Y. Li, K. Xiong, J. Gao, X. Lan, D. Zhang, L. Gao, J. Zhang & J. Tang, Efficient quantum dot infrared solar cells with enhanced low-energy photon conversion via optical engineering, Nano Research, 2023, 16: 2392-2398.

2)Y. Wang, M.-Y. Li *, S. Liu, Y. Ma, B. Sun, L. Wang, H. Lu , X. Wen, S. Liu* and X. Ding, A Novel Strategy for the Synthesis of High Stability of Luminescent Zero Dimensional–Two Dimensional CsPbBr3 Quantum Dot/1,4-bis(4-methylstyryl)benzene Nanoplate Heterostructures at an Atmospheric Condition, Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2723

3)S. Liu, H. Li, H. Lu, Y. Wang, X. Wen, S. Deng, M-Y Li* , S. Liu*, C. Wang* and X. Li, High Performance 0D ZnO Quantum Dot/2D (PEA)2PbI4 Nanosheet Hybrid Photodetectors Fabricated via a Facile Antisolvent Method, Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 4217

4)S. Liu, K. Xiong, K. Wang, G. Liang, M.-Y. Li, H. Tang, X. Yang, Z. Huang, L. Lian, M. Tan*, K. Wang, L. Gao, H. Song, D. Zhang, J. Gao, X. Lan, J. Tang and J. Zhang*, Efficiently passivated PbSe quantum dot solids for infrared photovoltaics, ACS Nano 2021, 15(2): 3376-3386.

5)S. Liu, C. Zhang, S. Li, Y. Xia, K. Wang, K. Xiong, H. Tang, L. Lian, X. Liu, M.-Y. Li, M. Tan, L. Gao, G. Niu, H. Liu, H. Song, D. Zhang, J. Gao, X. Lan, K. Wang, X. W. Sun, Y. Yang, J. Tang and J. Zhang*, Efficient infrared solar cells employing quantum dot solids with strong inter-dot coupling and efficient passivation, Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 2006864.

6)S. Liu, M.-Y. Li*, J. Zhang, D. Su, Z. Huang, S. Kunwar, J. Lee, Self-assembled Al nanostructure/ZnO quantum dot heterostructures for high responsivity and fast UV photodetector, Nano-Micro Letters 2020, 12: 114.

7)M.-Y. Li, S. Liu*, Z. Huang, Y. Ai, K. Shen, H. Lu, M. Li, J. Wu*. Facile Fabrication of Ultrasensitive Honeycomb Nano-Mesh Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Self-Assembled Plasmonic Architectures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021,13, 35972 - 35980.

8)M.-Y. Li, K. Shen, H. Xu*, A. Ren, J. Lee, S. Kunwar, S. Liu* and J. Wu*, Enhanced spatial light confinement of all inorganic perovskite photodetectors based on hybrid plasmonic nanostructures, Small 2020, 2004234.

9)M.-Y. Li, M. Yu, D. Su, J. Zhang, S. Jiang, J. Wu, Q. Wang, S. Liu*, Ultrahigh responsivity UV photodetector based on Cu nanostructure/ZnO QD hybrid architectures, Small 2019, 15: 1901606.

10)S. Liu, M.-Y. Li*, D. Su, M. Yu, H. Kan, H. Liu, X. Wang, S. Jiang*, Broad-band high-sensitivity ZnO colloidal quantum dots/self-assembled Au nanoantennas heterostructures photodetectors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10(38): 32516~32525.

11)S. Liu, B. Li, H. Kan, M.-Y. Li, B. Xie, S. Jiang, X. Zhu, Enhanced sensitivity and response speed of graphene oxide/ZnO nanorods photodetector fabricated by introducing graphene oxide in seed layer, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronic 2017, 28: 15891-15898.

12)S. Liu, B. Li, H. Kan, H. Liu, B. Xie, X. Zhu, Y. Hu, S. Jiang, Low temperature in-situ preparation of reduced graphene oxide/ZnO nanocomposites for highly sensitive photodetectors, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronic 2017, 28: 9403-9409.


1)国家自然科学基金青年项目 2023.01-2025.12在研,主持

2)中国博士后科学基金面上资助 2019.09-2021.8结题,主持

3)国家自然科学基金面上项目 2020.01-2023.12在研,参与

